Early Start
It’s a big day in the Springlemeyer-Goodfellow house. It’s the day Ryan has been working so hard to get to… the launch party and official launch of the magazine. Kai happens to be in town for this big event. Kai has already gotten the party started… well, last night, anyhow.
There’s only two more Randie & Ryan’s left. It’s getting a bit teary… on my end. I hate ends. But good things happen at the ends… because there’s new beginnings there.
So… the wind-down begins. *sniff!*
I’m sure it’ll be a great sendoff.
It’s heading down that road. It’s… sniff… well… it’s coming… the part where I try not to acknowledge that it’s over and then it hits me about a month later and then the water works.
I suppose coming home and finding another guy there with your wife *could* be taken the wrong way. I s’pose it’s not being taken the wrong way, but it could.
Well, Kai does pre-date Ryan by a few years… (college chum)… in any case… they all go way-back…and Ryan knows that Kai is out late DJ pal… no worries there.
The local Chamber of Commerce asked what we will be doing to launch our new game development studio when it is completed in a few months, like we were Microsoft or Google. Even ‘will there be any celebrity presentations or performances’. Seriously? I was just planning to start throwing the breakers for the workstation servers and render farms and hope that we don’t crash the local power grid.
Well an early congrats to you UB… and best wishes upon your game development studio. I suppose if you get the Chamber on board and ya wine and dine them a bit… they’ll be less cranky when you crash the local power grid. Make sure you offer them cookies and a good wine at the opening.