Conversation therapy
on 06/09/2016
at 12:01 am
Just having someone to talk to about relationships is helpful… but having a therapist who’s a friend to talk to is more than helpful!
Just having someone to talk to about relationships is helpful… but having a therapist who’s a friend to talk to is more than helpful!
“There will be growth…” But then her roots will be showing…
(“Dying” in Panel Two should be “Dyeing” with an “e.”)
(Caught it in Panel Two…missed it completely in Panel One…)
Thank you, yes… must fix this. Sigh.
As you may recall from your days working at Disneyland, there’s a barber shop/stylist there for cast members. When I worked for mouse, there was a contest to name it. The most popular one was “Curl Up & Dye”
Anyway, Enid is right. But Ryan’s love is much, much more than Randie’s hair color. She’ll learn that (again) and it will help both.
PS: I’m totally with Ryan. I loved Randie’s original hair style and color.
I’d forgotten the barber… I never visited said barber.
Artist do things… Ryan knows this, too. They’ll figure it out.
“Relationships are hard” — but the right relationships are worth fighting to maintain.
Indeed. Love is something that takes work. It is a noun and a verb… (and even a command)… but it does take work.
Enid knows her stuff! Marriage is work and not just cleaning, cooking, and other chores. It is work to learn about how to treat your partner and how to care for them when they need you most.
More indeeding. Marriage involves feelings and actions and partnering. There are hurts, and lovings, and working stuff out.
There are many things in a relationship worth getting your hackles up about. Dyed hair probably isn’t on that list unless it impacts the relationship pretty hard. Besides, for all anyone knows Ryan will shrug and say ‘Yeah, looks alright!’. As for relationships being hard…… well, yes. There’s a reason I haven’t been in one since, like, ’94. I’m an unpleasantly confrontational know-it-all, all I ever attract are psycho-chicks who don’t know what’s worth fighting over and what isn’t! It really ruins a relationship when NOTHING ever slides without a fight. My last girlfriend freaked on me because I wore gray socks instead of white or black ones, if you can believe that!
Wait you wore GRAY socks!?? Jeeeeeze… no wonder… (just kidding). UCKIA, eh? I imagine there’s a psycho chick out there for you… somewhere. You just haven’t found the right one.
These are silly things that worry Randie…
If you all ain’t noticed, Randie hasn’t had many relationships. She had that brief stint with Odd Todd… but she’s had infatuations mostly.
I live in canada, you know how hard it is to get industrial wool socks that aren’t dyed gray up here?
The closest I ever came to having a life partner was a lesbian gun nut (You may recall Lady Jenn?). We shared an interest in philosophy. She had no problem threatening to break my legs if she got annoyed….. it’s always nice to have danger signals well in advance of disaster. So I’d say Randie’s many relationships (and resulting friends/acquaintances/lessons learned) probably benefit her. Certainly helped her get into a more permanent relationship! Now if she could dial back the worry-o-matic JUST a smidgen…… happiness maybe?
Once upon a time, Irish bought himself a blue and yellow madras plaid shirt that just made me cringe. It was…painful to look at. I didn’t say much, but later that year I made an executive decision, and it “disappeared”. He never asked until several years later. But hey–I stopped wearing denim overalls because he didn’t like them, so there’s that.
Really? You just witness-protection-ed it elsewhere? Wow.
Overalls… like Spill.
Well, we all find the compromises we do for the love.
Thanks, Enid — I needed this advice myself today! 🙂
I’m glad Enid could help. Now if she could only deliver to you some Snickerdoodles…