on 10/08/2015
at 12:01 am
I love the Picasso quote… Foundational key to success… action. Action, Randie. Instead of feeling all bummed out and lamenting not being able to afford a scooter, she’s getting all actionated, thanks to Ryan.
Here’s some instances where Ryan has inspired Randie to act (or action is involved):
Randie should make tons of money from the “Vespid” art-lovers crowd… all three of them???
The cafe seems empty at the moment… but things will change… or she’ll have change… or there will be at least the recycling money.
Vespid-ception? I do like that she thought to collect recyclables though. That’s been a good way to get a few extra bucks in my life! When you want something bad enough, it’s not hard to find a few ways to scrounge up a buck or two.
Go team Vespid!
It has been a while since I had to do it, but donating blood used to give me a few bucks back in the day and it went to a good cause too.
Oh… but the needles…. you think RAndie’s afraid of just spiders!!???
Wanting something bad enough means that you are willing to go the extra mile. And YES! Go Team Vespid!
Getting the scooter will be wonderful. For now, though, the motivation and goal of getting that scooter will help Randie in lots of other ways.
Yes, she’ll feel better having WORKED for something, rather than just having it handed over. There’s a satisfaction in that. I took care of all my own schooling. I am proud of that.
Way to work it Randie, Keep your eye on the goal and enjoy the journey while you’re at it.
Randie is moving toward that thing! That Goal! That Vespid! As long as you are working toward it… smiles aplenty! (I hope you are well, Gramy)
Love the absinthe bottle!