the new style looks really good. nonetheless i’ll kind of miss the more toony look and bright colors.
that’s a dedicated artist, taking the flowers instead of drawing them.
I’m glad you dig the style. I will miss the old style, too… but this feels fresh to me and kinda exciting. I’m taking a page out of Picasso’s book. By the way… Picasso never gave up Cubism after co-inventing it. He often went back to it… never letting any one style define him.
Well… well… am I the first to post on the start of new journey? I’m looking forward to this new strip and seeing how these two move forward. Although, I am also hopeful that you will continue to put Squid Row into the book form.
I’m glad you are looking forward to the new stuff. I am already thinking about publishing the last year’s worth of Squid Row. I may look into Kickstarter on that. Or I’ve been thinking a lot about Patreon… I’m still flirting.
No April Fools here… although I chose April Fool’s Day to post this… for giggles. Hee-hee… because their “relationship” has been an awful long time coming!
Crow… I have comment approval on the site to start. I got backed up as I was out of the office all of Ape Fool Day. Sorry for the lag!
Thanks for the kind words and the updates will keep a coming! Cheers!
Super excited to see this story line unfold too. Thank you so much for not messing with us Brig and finally have Ryan and Randie hook up! I’m beyong excited for this
At first I was sad, and I was afraid because sometimes “will they or won’t they” couples end up feeling weird when they finally do get together,
but EEEEEEEE I love this. It just feels right. So happy it’s continuing. And I love the scruff on Ryan. It suits him.
Hahahha…. yeah… I had Ryan’s OTHER arm holding the flowers at first and that didn’t seem right… so I re-drew it… and just forgot that the ring finger MATTERS here… good eyeball, Chug!
Michael… ah, yes… well in SQUID ROW, I drew everybody in the strip with 4 fingers. It’s a funny thing I picked up. When I first started cartooning, I had a book on animation that I learned from and they showed the 4 finger style. HOWEVER, now, as the characters need to be wearing rings … I have been playing with 5 fingers. It’s surprisingly hard for me to make the switch… drawing habits are hard to break!
Will we get peeks back at what transpired between the night the baby was born and the current frame? Like, what kind of wedding did they have? Did they elope? What???
Yay! I am so glad you like this! It’s a lot more work than Squid Row… so far… the pages are much bigger and with many more layers! But, I am having fun!
I’m liking the style change. Normally it take a while to get used to and appreciate something that changes something you loved. But you’ve done a VERY nice job of preserving the essence of the characters even while altering the style in presenting them. Randie is still Randie; Ryan still Ryan.
I am very happy that you like the style change… I had an idea of how they should look… And it is getting closer and closer… I have to be careful as I find myself slipping back into my rigid ways … Old habits are hard to break.
My brain exploded when I found out Randie and Ryan are getting married! And I’ve bookmarked this site so I can continue to follow their adventures Thank you for awesome stuffs, Brig! <3
BScruffy, Once a Squiddie, always a Squiddie! I’m glad you will be along for the ride. Really, it will be different in many ways, but the same in many ways, as well. I guess you’ll just have to come back and see this summer! Keep checking in on Squid Row though… I’m still posting blogs! And THursday, I will be heard on “Biology of the Blog.”
the new style looks really good. nonetheless i’ll kind of miss the more toony look and bright colors.
that’s a dedicated artist, taking the flowers instead of drawing them.
I’m glad you dig the style. I will miss the old style, too… but this feels fresh to me and kinda exciting. I’m taking a page out of Picasso’s book. By the way… Picasso never gave up Cubism after co-inventing it. He often went back to it… never letting any one style define him.
Well… well… am I the first to post on the start of new journey? I’m looking forward to this new strip and seeing how these two move forward. Although, I am also hopeful that you will continue to put Squid Row into the book form.
I’m glad you are looking forward to the new stuff. I am already thinking about publishing the last year’s worth of Squid Row. I may look into Kickstarter on that. Or I’ve been thinking a lot about Patreon… I’m still flirting.
A) New digs, not bad.
B) That is adorable.
C) Was worried that they wouldn’t actually hook up ever. So… YES!
I’ll skip the obligatory ‘First!’ comment.
The digs will undoubtedly change between now and launch date official. I am having fun with the new construction… and trying out new stuff.
If any of you have suggestions as to what you’d like to see in the site… lemmie know!
A new journey awaits…and in the meantime we’ll all drinks lots and lots of coffee!
You bet your sah-weet-bippy that there will be lots more coffee. OH! You mean Squiddies will drink the coffee!Yah… that, too! I know I will!
No foolin’? YEAH!
No April Fools here… although I chose April Fool’s Day to post this… for giggles. Hee-hee… because their “relationship” has been an awful long time coming!
Well, THIS should be interesting!
Yes, it is proving to be a fun write on my end. I have lots of ideas!
“When I plant an idea in fertile soil, I always end up with so many more seeds”, to quote someone far wiser than I.
What, I’m the first commenter? How about that! Let’s see …
Crow… I have comment approval on the site to start. I got backed up as I was out of the office all of Ape Fool Day. Sorry for the lag!
Thanks for the kind words and the updates will keep a coming! Cheers!
Well this will be added to my favorites list!
Super excited to see this story line unfold too. Thank you so much for not messing with us Brig and finally have Ryan and Randie hook up! I’m beyong excited for this
Yay! Add this to your Favorites list! I will be playing around on both sites from now on!
I have words to say about how the “hookup” came to be. Keep checking in on both sites!
RSS feed bookmarked – will be looking forward to this starting.
Yay! THank you for getting “Fed” on the RSS Feed. I hope you enjoy the new stuff!
Every ending is just a beginning with a commercial break …
I think I need to post a commercial… maybe one for Pop’n Tarts? Or Nutellah?
At first I was sad, and I was afraid because sometimes “will they or won’t they” couples end up feeling weird when they finally do get together,
So happy it’s continuing. And I love the scruff on Ryan. It suits him.
but EEEEEEEE I love this. It just feels right.
Yay! I am most happy that you like where this is going… where THEY are going… and the scruff… you’ll see more of that. Smiles!
Is there a reason Ryan is wearing his ring on his right hand?
Hahahha…. yeah… I had Ryan’s OTHER arm holding the flowers at first and that didn’t seem right… so I re-drew it… and just forgot that the ring finger MATTERS here… good eyeball, Chug!
Why does Randie have only four fingers? Inquiring minds want to know.
Michael… ah, yes… well in SQUID ROW, I drew everybody in the strip with 4 fingers. It’s a funny thing I picked up. When I first started cartooning, I had a book on animation that I learned from and they showed the 4 finger style. HOWEVER, now, as the characters need to be wearing rings … I have been playing with 5 fingers. It’s surprisingly hard for me to make the switch… drawing habits are hard to break!
Why does Ryan have his ring on his right hand in the toon above?
Looking forward to see what you do with them.
Michael Lonie was wondering the same thing… If you want to know the inside scoop… I posted it on the blog at Smiles!
Will we get peeks back at what transpired between the night the baby was born and the current frame? Like, what kind of wedding did they have? Did they elope? What???
I will definitely address some things you mention. A wedding is much too important to let just slip away!
Eeeeeeppppp! I love this! So very excited for you xxxx
Yay! I am so glad you like this! It’s a lot more work than Squid Row… so far… the pages are much bigger and with many more layers! But, I am having fun!
I’m liking the style change. Normally it take a while to get used to and appreciate something that changes something you loved. But you’ve done a VERY nice job of preserving the essence of the characters even while altering the style in presenting them. Randie is still Randie; Ryan still Ryan.
I am very happy that you like the style change… I had an idea of how they should look… And it is getting closer and closer… I have to be careful as I find myself slipping back into my rigid ways … Old habits are hard to break.
So this is where you’ve been hiding out since “Squid Row” ended…
Oh, yes… I’m still on Squid Row… Well, just up the street.
My brain exploded when I found out Randie and Ryan are getting married! And I’ve bookmarked this site so I can continue to follow their adventures
Thank you for awesome stuffs, Brig! <3
Yay! I am glad you like the news! Sorry I didn’t send out wedding invitations . Cheers though!
Very exciting. I love the sketchy line quality. This is going to be fun!
Yay! Thanks for coming along for the ride!
Congratulations; great looking site.
This will take a bit of a change in my self-concept; I was a ‘squidie,’ but what will I be now?
BScruffy, Once a Squiddie, always a Squiddie! I’m glad you will be along for the ride. Really, it will be different in many ways, but the same in many ways, as well. I guess you’ll just have to come back and see this summer! Keep checking in on Squid Row though… I’m still posting blogs! And THursday, I will be heard on “Biology of the Blog.”
Hey, Brig!
Any plans to put up any new “Coming Soon!” splash pages? I’m sure we’d love to see one or two more peeks at the new comic.
Today is the first day of summer. Just a reminder.
I hope WordPress lets me post this: