2015-06-03-june-teaser Jun03 by Brig on 06/03/2015 at 6:37 pm Characters: Randie, scooter Related └ Tags: fun, randie, scooter, vespa, vespid
This might be my favorite teaser so far, I think… I love the background (credit to Su Hall at suruha.com).
Twinkie buys it, then speeds right off a cliff.
“♫He drives around, all over town…♫”
Nuh-UH! Twinkie the speeding cat … although… I know someone who might could pull off a crazy stunt…
*squee* I’m so excited!
Rinna… I’m so glad that you are excited! I’m excited, too, to present this new turn in the comic… this new sequential format… I hope you all like it and enjoy the new adventures of RnR. Thanks for coming back!
Holy crap, all the links in my comics list are a year old … have I been off the grid that long? Eep …
Um, catching up now … sorry about that.